Thursday 21 March 2019

Most Commonly Used Shortcut in Visual Studio Code

Here is a list of most popular used Shortcuts in Visual Studio Code:

Command Shortcut
Ctrl + Shift + P Open Command Palette
Ctrl + Shift + ` Open a Terminal
Ctrl + Shift + N Open a New Window
F11 Toggle FullScreen.
Ctrl + G Go to Line
Ctrl + P Go To File.
Ctrl + / Insert Comment
Ctrl + F Format the selected Code
F12 Go to the declaration of th Keyword.
Ctrl + Space Trigger Suggestion.

You can refer to this Cheat Sheet over here for a full list of Shortcuts.

How to open a new terminal in Visual Studio Code.

  • Go to Terminal > New Terminal
  • Select the current workspace directory for the Terminal. The terminal will be opened in the working directory that you selected.
  • Alternatively, You can press the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + ` and select a workspace directory.
  • Refer to the screenshot below for reference.

How to Open a file in Visual Studio Code

Here is a step by step guide to install a file in Visual Studio Code:

  • Go to File > Open File
  • Type the name of the file or Browse to a particular file.
  • Alternatively, you can press the shortcut Ctrl + P
  • And Type the name of the file in the Search Bar.
  • You can refer to the GIF below for further reference.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

How to install a Extension in Visual Studio Code

Here is a clip regarding how to install an Extension in Visual Studio Code:

Here is a full list of steps of how to install an extension in Visual Studio COde:
  •  Go to extensions tab in the left-hand side
  •  Enter the name of the Extension you want to install in the Search Bar.
  •  Click install under the name of the Extension
  •  It will take some time to install the extension
  •  After installing you can check the extension under ENABLED tab below EXTENSIONS

Saturday 16 March 2019

Visual Studio Code: Introduction

Visual Studio Code is a rich source code editor which can run on any platform including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It has built-in support for different languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js and it also has different extensions for different languages like C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go like for example here is an extension named PHP Debug which helps in debugging in PHP. You can explore different extensions here
Advantages and Disadvantages of Visual Studio Code.


  • Vast resources for extensions - The major advantage of the Visual Studio Code is that it has a vast amount of extensions which can be found here.
    So if you want support for any languages you can choose from a vast range of extensions and you don't need a separate editor for a different language.
  • IntelliSense - IntelliSense is a term for code-completion aid that includes a number of features: List Members, Parameter Info, Quick Info, and Complete Word. So having IntelliSense in your code editor is a big advantage when you are learning to program or developing software for your own needs.

  • It crashes a lot while building large projects.
  • With its vast rich set of extensions, it is not beginner friendly as a beginner might find it difficult to get a difficult time figuring out how things work.
  • Debugging needs to be easier. Debugging might take a long time plus it might be a difficult time for a beginner to debug his code depending on the project.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Computers - An Introduction.

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.
-Oscar Wilde

A computer is a programmable machine that recieves input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format. The first computer was developed around mid-20th century around 1940-1945. At first the computers used to be simple calculating machines i.e. calculators known as ABACUS developed b egyptian's and chinese.
The modern day computer which we use is said to be invented by Charles Babbage(also known as father of computers).

Friday 13 November 2015

SCHEDULING: An Introduction

When you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.
-Vince Lombardi

SCHEDULING: An Introduction

‘Schedule’ in literal sense means plan for something to happen at a particular time, but in the terms of operating system ‘Schedule’ or ‘Scheduling’ means to manage or to plan the process such that it has minimum utilization of Central Processing unit(CPU).

The policies which are used for scheduling are called ‘Scheduling Policies’ (or disciplines).

1.1 Workload Assumptions

Here we will make some assumptions that will be implied as we move further.The assumptions we make are:-

1)All processes/workload run for same amount of time.
2)Each Process start at the same time.
3)When run each process runs to its completion.
4)Each process uses CPU.
5)The run time of each process is known.

1.2 Scheduling Metrices

A ‘Metric’ is something used to measure something.

Let me introduce you to our first metric i.e. Turnaround time.

The formula for Turnaround time is as follows:

T(turnaround)= T(completion)-T(arrival)

where, T(turnaround)= Turnaround time
T(completion)= Completion Time
T(arrival)= Arrival Time

Since, as we stated in our assumption no. 2 i.e.:-
Each process start at the same time, so,
T(arrival)= 0 seconds (for every process)

So, the above equation becomes,

T(turnaround)= T(completion)- T(arrival)
T(turnaround)= T(completion) - 0
T(turnaround)= T(completion)

This equation will be applicable for further tutorials.

‘Turnaround time’ and another term called ‘fairness’ are two main point of focus in scheduling processes.

Since, we already discussed ‘Turnaround time’, it’s time for our new term ‘Fairness’.
So, what does ‘Fairness’ in terms of Scheduling means. Here, the term ‘Fairness’ means increasing performance by running one process/job to its fullest and restricting others.